In December 2013, the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation transferred a vacant 13-acre parcel to the City of Saint Paul. It was culmination of a process that had begun five years earlier with the organizing of neighbors who had first envisioned a community-based urban farm that served the Frogtown neighborhood. The deal, brokered by the Trust For Public Land, was a striking example of a community taking control of its destiny.
The Frogtown Farm Framework Plan is a master plan for an urban farm that is rooted in values of social equity, justice, and inter-connectedness, and designed to serve as a both a model for multi-cultural collaboration and a catalyst for economic development, wealth creation, community pride, and sustainability.
The design included an extensive community outreach process, numerous meetings with stakeholders, participatory planning exercises, publication of information in multiple languages representing the demographic diversity of the neighborhood, and establishment of a Community Ambassador program to help facilitate communication among the neighborhood constituents. The project culminated in the publication of a book documenting the process.
PROJECT TEAM: Molly Reichert in collaboration and Rebar Group, Antonio Roman Alcala,
Jake Voit, Courtney Tchida, and John Dwyer.
Frogtown Farm Framework Plan
Saint Paul, MN